Creating Your Name Badge Layout – Simple Steps to Follow

As you start to design name badges for your company, you will automatically be faced with a number of questions. It is quite natural for you to consider a number of factors and think on them carefully before you can finalise the design of the company name badge. The first thing that you will have to focus on is the style and material. After you have chosen the badge style and material, you will have to carefully consider the printing process that would suit your application the most. At the same time, you will also have to think about the badge size and fastener. But this is not where it all ends. A lot of other questions are likely to come up. For instance, designing your name badge would mean there would be questions related to the layout. First time designers are likely to face difficulty in finding answers to these questions.

Some important points related to the layout that need to be considered are:

The exact size of the badge

The kind of font that will suit

What colours will be used for the names and artwork

When faced with these questions, things can actually appear to be a little complicated for first time designers. Listed below are few important tips that can actually help you to arrange the layout, thereby, helping you frame a proper design for your company name badge:

  • The first thing you should do is have a copy of your artwork in a quality type of file, like a vector file. Experts opine that you should pay utmost importance to this because an artwork that has a better resolution will definitely make things easier for layout artists. It will help them to execute your ideas on the artwork of the badge with ease. Once printed, the final art on the name badges will come across as more clear.

  • The next thing you should focus is the combination of the material colours and the printing colours. It is important to ensure that the two colours do not clash, instead should compliment each other. You should be alert enough to check that a metallic background is not the best as it has a tendency to reflect lights, thereby, making it difficult to read the badge.

  • Another important thing to keep in mind while designing the layout is to keep the background colours and images simple if the logo is vibrant. Similarly logo should should be kept simple if the background is too vibrant. Always select fonts that are easy to read.

  • The pattern of the logo too is a crucial thing to be considered. In order to make sure that the intricate details of the logo remains visible, you might think of increasing the width and/or height of the name badge.

  • If the logo or the artwork is oval-shaped or circular, you can easily think of a rounded badge instead of giving your name badge the standard rectangular shape. Remember your ultimate purpose is to make name badge appear professional yet attractive.

Follow some of these steps and discover how you can create an amazing layout for your company name badge.


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