Did you know about re usable name badge insert?

Reusable Name Badges by Name Badges International Australia are made to be “re-used. This means that they can endless be used with a different name while keeping the name badge. At the time of the first order of re usable name badges, we provide with a free insert for your convenience.


Because our name badge are reusable, you may run out of insert after a certain period of time. It’s possible to buy these A4 perforated Inserts sheet separately from Name Badges International Australia. After printing, you just change Insert sheet to your existing Reusable Name Badges yourself…it does make your life easy. These name badge accessories are available on our website 24/7.

Features of our Reusable name badges:

  • Save your money because they are reusable
  • It Can be very easily, quickly with user-friendly personalised
  • Save your time
  • FREE Printing Template

How Reusable Name Badges Works?

Name Badge Inserts

Using your laser printer or inkjet, you can print in full color onto our insert sheets with a variety of colors and sizes.. Then simply peel off your insert and it’s ready to use in a name badge in just a few seconds.

The Printing Template
With your name badge purchase, we will include a FREE A4 perforated sheet. Printing Template are available online as a PDF format. Simply download the templates above as per your name badge design, type in your names in the boxes provided, print the document onto the A4 Perforated sheets provided, Slide into a badge!! easy to use and works with any desktop or laser printers.

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Mark Cuban

About The Author

Mark Cuban is a Sales Consultant at Name Badges International Australia. Name Badges International PTY LTD Ph. +61 (0)2 8417 2201 Skype: nbi.australia Email: mark@namebadgesinternational.com.au